
Miriam Schenkirz, Luisa Herbst

← Summer 2019

© Miriam Schenkirz, Luisa Herbst, 2019

Miriam Schenkirz, Luisa Herbst


semester topic „Site Exploration Potsdamer Strasse“

an intervention in urban space, presented as an installation with a viewing platform" and video projection, 2019

Empty space, place of transit, gap - non-places have many faces, one example is the wasteland at Potsdamer Straße 149, where non-places contrast the constructed cityscape as purposeless, abandoned and despised spaces. They are silent witnesses of the Second World War, but are far from being visible as monuments - much more they are hidden behind advertising walls and building fences, waiting for investors or sealing. As an adaptation of hunting facilities and former Berlin Wall viewing platforms, the project takes on the task of overcoming this invisibility and questioning our urge to take possession.

The installation was shown in the exhibition "Split Level" in the art space of the studierendenWERK Berlin at Potsdamer Straße 65-67 from 18-27 October 2019.

© Miriam Schenkirz, Luisa Herbst, 2019